12 Steps to Success

The benefit of this powerful life tool increases when you push your self up against what at first seems difficult or impossible.

Go past the point where you want to stop.

This is where the big AHA! breakthroughs will happen for you.

1. List ten areas or things in your life that are working, that leaves you feeling satisfied and happy? Areas like career, relationship, family & friends, health & fitness, spiritual life.

These could be in any one of these areas, they don’t need to be in any particular area nor all areas. Be intuitive here; trust yourself and be honest.

See if you can recognize, feel and appreciate what you do have in your life.

2. What are ten things or areas in your life that are not working and that leave you feeling dissatisfied, disturbed or unhappy?

Be honest. Take another look to see if there is something else.

3. Of these ten things in your life that are not working, as you want. Which one stands out most?

If it is a close call between two or three things, choose the one that in your heart feels the most significant one. You can do the twelve steps again for the other ones later.

4. Name five reasons why this is the most dissatisfying area in your life.

5. Which one of these five reasons is the highest contributor to your dissatisfaction?

Keep going, don’t give up!

6. What do you want for yourself in this area?

7. List ten solutions that could help you to actualize what you want in this area.

You may need to revisit this part to keep finding solutions. Think, contemplate, ask from inside yourself. Stick it through, stay with it. Remember what you want for yourself.

8. List one solution that most stands out for you.

Wow. Isn’t this amazing?

9. What is your next step in this area?

10. List what obstacles could stop you from taking and completing your next step?

Stop a moment here and look at these potential obstacles. Just observe and see how significant or insignificant they are.

11. What is your plan to succeed, for obstacles not to stop you.

You’re nearly there. Keep going!

12. What is your commitment to yourself succeeding with your next step?

I want to do this and I’m going to do it.

Write down clearly for yourself the following:

1. Next steps. What? By when?

2. Obstacles to watch out for.

3. Plan to combat obstacles.

If you have no plan, close your eyes and think. Write down what comes.


Read this daily and contemplate, until you are satisfied that you have succeeded in this area.


It’s all about movement. Keep going and take action. If you don’t take action then you will not have the results and success you are looking for. Take the appropriate action!

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