Meditation for beginners
from the comfort of your home

meditation at home

You can now receive guided meditation for beginners and advanced meditators, classes and the 6-week Course over the phone/Skype into your living room!

All you need is a minimum of 6 friends participating and an internet or land line/phone connection.

The great advantage of offering a course at home, is that afterwards you have an existing group of meditators to keep meditating with on a regular basis. The best solution to keep a regular meditation practice going!

How does it work?

  1. Gather 6 or more of your friends who are interested in meditating or want to learn to meditate.
  2. Discuss with your friends which offering is the best suitable. see the offerings below.
  3. Find out which times are best for your group.
  4. Call us to find out if the time desired is available and set up your first Meditation.

It is that easy!

Meditation for Beginners and Advanced for home

  • Meditation Classes. These 1 hour classes are most powerful and are focused on a different topic each week. The direction and guidance of the meditation is personalized to your group. These are very nice evening to offer at your home. We suggest you offer a cuppa afterwards to share your experience with each other.
  • 6-week Meditation Course. This is a great way to learn how to meditate in 6-weeks. We will cover all the basics of meditation, how to deal with the challenges coming up in meditation and many different ways how to go deeper. This course is very thorough and lovely to do with friends together. It really brings you all very close together as a group. The course consists of six 3-hour sessions and usually runs over 6 weeks. It is an excellent course if you are looking for meditation for beginners.
  • Guided Meditations. These 1 hour meditations are offered for people who have done the 6-week Course and are familiar with meditation. This way you can keep going and receive support and inspiration to keep reaching new levels inside.


  • Meditation Class:                $15 per person
  • Guided Meditations:            $15 per person
  • 6-week Meditation Course: $145 per person; this includes all course materials
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