The meditation room is in creation...feel free to come back later and enjoy many different meditations.

The Meditation Room is a room where you can come to and immerse yourself in meditation. You will find many different types of meditations to serve your needs. Some are guided with music, some are guided in silence. Be Open & Explore... I wish you a good meditation.

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meditation preparation

The following are talks and guided exercises to help you prepare for any of the meditations in the meditation room . Try each of them once. Once you understand each of the principles then you apply them and if you need a refresher you can come back to this section and listen to it again. To read more see the following article: 7 steps to best prepare your self for meditation.

7 Steps to Best Prepare Yourself for Meditation

by: Rose Tol

Duration:  13min.

Topic: meditation preparation

Description:  An informative talk outlining 7 simple things to do that will help improve your meditations greatly.

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A Pre-Meditation Exercise to Empty the MInd

by: Rose Tol

Duration: 10min.

Topic: Clearing, emptying of the mind

Description:  This exercise assists you to empty your mind and clear yourself from surface feelings so you become clear, calm and open; a great consciousness to start your journey of going within.

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A Pre-Meditation Exercise to Calm Emotions

by: Rose Tol


Topic: Calming your emotions, guided meditation

Description:  Rose will guide you through a pre-meditation exercise to help you deal with excessive, distracting emotions and feelings at the beginning of your meditation. A great way to start any meditation!

coming soon...
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