
by Rose Tol
(Perth, Australia)

Stand up for the 10'No's and Be the Change!

Stand up for the 10'No's and Be the Change!

I would like to share with you a reflection from my friend Jim that speak so beautifully to what is needed from all of us.

"Love transcends age, gender, ethnicity, or religious orientation, and the absence of love is the cause of most of the worlds problems. This is clear. Our world has yet to learn that there is a universal entitlement to God’s Love. There is letting go that each of us can do in order to find more of that love within ourselves, and to give that love. It will take time, but love and sanity on the planet can happen.

We can’t wait for our governments to find the right policies to ensure basic human rights for everyone, or to find the sanity we do so much need on the planet. The tide is turning to the individual for the answer to global peace and harmony–not nations. Groups will keep rising up in protest for human rights. That of course plays an important part in an overall awakening. We’re suggesting that we also all rise up from within to a new level of consciousness. We’re suggesting that everyone step up and demand just a little bit more from yourself. A majority of us regular people need to do our part to let go in order to live more of the time in the love of God that most definitely permeates all of existence. Only then will there be enough love being carried by people to be able to influence world events for the better. There really is strength in numbers."

Thank you Jim for your words of wisdom.

May the true love, care and respect become dominant on this planet.

In gratitude,


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Feb 18, 2013
I love it!
by: Claire

Thanks so much for your prayer in action. I will share it and encourage all my friends to join in. Good luck.

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